Saturday, March 27, 2010

photo workshop {framing an egg}

This egg collage is part of a photo workshop I am participating in. It is the result of our first assignment; framing an egg. The workshop began March 20th and will last until April 17th. It is my first photo workshop ever.

I am one of those photographers scared to leave the automatic modus. With my analogue camera I knew how to do it, I was not afraid at all. With my N80 I haven’t even figured out how to do it yet *embarrassed*. I need to read the manual.

For these egg photos I decided the shutter speed, while the camera decided the frame size. For our next assignment I will have to do it all by myself. Don’t you think?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

paper for art and another project

I have been a busy bee this week and I can’t believe it is already Thursday! So many things to do in so little time. This is a quick share to show you some beautiful papers bought at Norway Designs. Half of the papers I will use for a paper project I have in mind. I need to replace this which has been hanging on our wall since Christmas (there is a Norwegian song that says Christmas last until Easter).

The other half of papers will be sent to this talented artist who has offered to trade art for paper. I am so excited about it and looking forward to see her beautiful work in our home.

Happy Thursday everyone!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Moments of laundry

Last week Emily wrote how lucky she is for knowing how to blur out her untidy house by using her macro when taking photos. She made me laugh because I have done that so many times I can’t count them. Today I thought I’d use my macro to do the opposite.

I have no idea how, but every week there are new piles, no, new mountains of clean clothes that waits to be folded. Astrid’s tiny clothes, our worn out clothes (I can’t remember the last time I went shopping for clothes) and our bed linen.

See you later; because’ I’m on my way to climb another of these mountains.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

irresistable Ikea finds

When I was pregnant with Astrid we went so many times to Ikea to buy things we needed for her that it worked like a vaccine on me. If I can avoid going to Ikea I will. But ones in a while I can't avoid it. I go there to by candles, white candles in all sizes and shapes. I try not to buy things I haven't planned to buy, but sometimes I find something to irresistible to resist.

Even if these bowls and plates were not planned, now that I have them they will come to good use. Astrid has begun throwing her plates on the floor if she doesn't like the food. These are plastic, bombastic and unbreakable. I win!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday Pancakes

This was our lazy Sunday breakfast

American pancakes with blueberries picked last fall...

... and crisp bacon

accompanied by orange juice


300g cottage cheese
4 eggs
4 tablespoons sugar (or less)
1 ¾ liter of milk
130g flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
1tsp vanilla essence/vanilla sugar

What is your favourite american pancake recipe?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

corner view {miniature worlds}

We are planning a trip that will require bringing as little luggage with us as possible. On Saturday we visited one of those shops that have everything you can think of (…and can’t think of in some cases) for that kind of trips.

I took a snap shot of this rack filled with miniature shampoos’ and body wash soaps. I must say I’m impressed that there exists Lacoste miniature “Gel douche”. Classy miniature travelling here we come.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

my needles - Part 2

Thank you everyone for the comments, flickr mail and e-mails on the ”my needles” card. I hoped some of you would like it but had never dreamed that so many of you would.

This post is for everyone that has expressed that they would like “my needles” card, for those who have three needles or more of the same size and for those who know someone that has an abundant needle collection and could need one.

I created this sheet for you to download. It has both metric and American needle sizes. Simply download, print out on cardstock, cut out and glue the back and front size together. Enjoy!
Life in Yonder - My Needles

PS. For the Americans: If there are common needle sizes that are missing or I have put a needle size that is not very common, let me know and I can change/improve the sheet. Thanks!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

keeping track of my needles

Do you remember last month when I was bummed out because I wanted to begin a new knitting project but didn’t have the needles? Did you think back then: “why didn’t she just buy needles when she bought the yarn?”?

Well the reason I didn't was because when I do buy needles I get home only to find out that I already have that size of needles. And honestly; how many 3 mm - 40 cm - circular needles does a knitter need? It as gotten to the point where I don't view duplicates as waste of money but as "more projects at once" needles.

Anyhow, I decided to do something about it. Since I can’t remember which needles I have when I’m yarn shopping I came up with this “my needles” card.

I wrote down and printed the sizes of the most common double pointed and circular mm knitting needles. Then I cut and glued together the front and back side & used a red colour pencil to mark the needles I have. The “my needles” card has the size of a credit card and fits perfect in my wallet.

No more waste of money and no more bummed out because I don’t have the right sized needles. Next time I’m yarn shopping I will just pop out the card and see if I need to buy needles or not.