Tuesday, July 08, 2014

A perfect summer knit

I couldn’t wait beginning to knit with my newly purchased yarn. In case you didn’t read my last post it is Pickles angora. Cut angora. This is important if you care for the welfare of the animals, which I do.

I’ve chosen the Pickles pattern “Knæsj Cardigan” or “Mardi Cardi” in English. My version of the cardigan shall be named “The paradox cardigan” since I have chosen the less “knæsj” colour (“knæsj” means something very colourful or with strong colour) in the whole Pickles shop.

I was afraid that this jacket would take a looong time because the yarn is very thin, but knitting with needles sized 4mm makes this project go fast even if it is a grown up size. So fast that when I should have switched needle size from 3.5 mm to 4 mm after the ribbing was done, I forgot. Now I have to undo until I reach the ribbing, switch to 4 mm and continue.

Anyhow, it’s a perfect summer knit because it weights close to nothing and I can knit in the round (yes another knit in the round and cut jacket – I still have the other uncut though). It feels like feather and I cant wait to wear it!

Hope you are enjoying summer so far!


  1. Oh, oh, oh, I want to knit this cardigan!!!
    I'm impatient to see it finished!!

  2. Yummy yarn! I like your paradox "knæsj" choice.
    Actually I have never knitted something in the round to cut it later in fear of it ripping up. Waiting for your next post to read about your experience cutting the cardi. ;-)
    ¡Feliz verano!

  3. Remembering to change needles is the hardest part of knitting. Incredibly annoying when you have to rip something! Sometimes I just keep knitting with the wrong needles, but that's usually a really bad idea. I'm sure you'll be glad you decided to rip it back :)

  4. Hehe, morsomt navn på jakka di. Den ser nydelig ut! Enig med deg angående dyrevelferd. Jeg er riktignok tvilende også til Pickles' angora, selv om den ikke er høstet på aller mest brutale vis, synes de har gitt nokså "ulne" svar på Facebooksiden sin angående produksjonen. Rowan har sluttet helt å produsere angora: http://www.knitrowan.com/angora-update

    (vil ikke ødelegge strikkegleden, og det er ikke ment som noen pekefinger altså! Men siden du nevner etisk dyrehold håper jeg det er ok :))

  5. Oh wow -- it looks like it's knitting up beautifully Anne Marie! Can't wait to see the finished sweater!

  6. I've never heard of cut angora. I wonder if I can find that yarn here - you make it sound divine and I haven't knit in soooo long and that soft color looks so sweet and maybe just maybe I should pick up my needles again...

  7. The yarn is knitting up so pretty!

  8. Que pintaca! yo me declaro superfan de Pickles, como me gustan sus patrones, sus lanas no he tenido (aún) el placer de probarlas...


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