Do you remember last month when I was bummed out because I wanted to begin a new knitting project but didn’t have the needles? Did you think back then: “why didn’t she just buy needles when she bought the yarn?”?
Well the reason I didn't was because when I do buy needles I get home only to find out that I already have that size of needles. And honestly; how many 3 mm - 40 cm - circular needles does a knitter need? It as gotten to the point where I don't view duplicates as waste of money but as "more projects at once" needles.
Anyhow, I decided to do something about it. Since I can’t remember which needles I have when I’m yarn shopping I came up with this “my needles” card.
I wrote down and printed the sizes of the most common double pointed and circular mm knitting needles. Then I cut and glued together the front and back side & used a red colour pencil to mark the needles I have. The “my needles” card has the size of a credit card and fits perfect in my wallet.
No more waste of money and no more bummed out because I don’t have the right sized needles. Next time I’m yarn shopping I will just pop out the card and see if I need to buy needles or not.
this is so clever !!!
ReplyDelete(and so nicely made !)
What a clever idea! Something I would be happy to copy... Thank You for sharing.
ReplyDeleteIf you send me your e-mail adress I can send you a PDF file with the card
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea! I have mine recorded on Ravelry, but it's not very handy when I am at the yarn shop!
ReplyDeleteAh, yes, I need to do this too.
ReplyDeleteVery smart...and so useful.
ReplyDeleteI am so tired of winging it!
You're so smart, Anne Marie. I would like to have a card like that too.
ReplyDeleteSupersmart! :D
ReplyDeleteHa ein god torsdag...
good idea !
ReplyDeletefab idea! i AM going to copy you!
ReplyDeleteLitt usikker på om jeg kan kommentere på norsk hos deg, men jeg prøver :-) Så koselig blogg du har! Jeg kommer tilbake og leser mer, garantert - ha en fin helg!
ReplyDeleteSå klart du kan kommentere på norsk! :-)
ReplyDeleteGenialt med det kortet. Det hadde jeg trengt også. Så kanskje jeg unngår å øke samlingen av pinner nr 3.
ReplyDeleteHilsen Sol
i have one of these in my purse too.. it helps me out a ton.. after buying three pairs of size 6 needles that is :)
ReplyDeleteMuy buena idea, yo tambien tuve que hacer inventario de agujas, que ya no sabia ni las que tenia!!!
ReplyDeleteLas empanadas son caseras.
La masa la hice con la receta del libro basico de Thermomix (si te interesa te la paso), pero si no te apetece hacerla a mano, en la seccion del super de congelados venden masa de hojaldre, al menos aqui en España.
El relleno es superfacil, a la par que hiper calorico jejej. Haces un sofrito con cebolla, pimiento, ajo y tomate (a la de pollo ademas le añadi zanahoria, si quieres tambien le puedes poner calabacin o alguna otra verdura que te guste)y luego le añades el atun en conserva y el pollo desmenuzadito, previamente hervido o asado ( por ejemplo yo aprovecho asi los restos del tipico pollo del asadero.
Salpimentas al gusto y si la haces de pollo tambien le puedes añadir alguna otra especia que te guste. A mi me gustan la canela y el comino.
Entonces añades salsa de tomate, si es casera mejor. Si tienes, antes de ponerle la salsa puedes añadirle pasta concentrada de tomate que le da aun mas sabor.
Le das un hervor para que coja bien los sabores y montas la empanada. La masa ya la debes tener bien estiradita sobre la bandeja del horno o en algun recipiete (pinchas la masa con un tenedor antes de rellenarla).
Al horno precalentado como 30mts a 200C.
Espero que te haya servido de ayuda!
Gracias por la receta! Este fin de semana me pondre en marcha para comprar todo lo que necesito