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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Three button questions

Button help needed! Please chip in.

I found these yellow vintage buttons at “Perlehuset” (The house of Perls) who has an impressive collection of new and old buttons.

As usual, I am Mrs. Indecision and can’t decide on several small buttons issues, that only a drama queen like me would make a big deal about. So perhaps you can help a damsel in distress?

First, what do you like the best? Buttons sewed on with a cross or with two lines? The cross looks good because it's a contrast to the lines, but then again, the lines go along with the lines in the sweater...

Second, I love the red thread, but is it too much? Blue, red or yellow, I can't decide. I’m almost 99% decided on red, but just in case, tell me what you think.

Third, should I use the buttons the right way (as they are supposed to), or should I turn them and use the backside of the buttons as front side?

Madness! It is madness and much to do about button-nothing. Oh, and if you would like to look at some of all the button goodies at Perlehuset, you can visit their Etsy shop after you’ve let me know what you think & why :-)

Have a nice week!


  1. Love the yellow buttons. I think they are fab! I love the red thread. I love the buttons the right way up and I think you should sew some with a cross and some with lines.

    Hope you've had a lovely weekend. London has been fun!

  2. Hvor er den sød, den lille trøje. Jeg synes de gule knapper er rigtig fine med den røde tråd. Tænkte faktisk at det så fint ud med de forskellige måder du har syet dem på trøjen. Så det på en trøje på pinterest og tænkte at det var en sjov detalje. Jeg synes knapperne er finest sådan som du har syet dem på og ikke med den flade side opad.
    Håber du kan bruge mine ord til noget :-)
    God aften.

  3. Rett vei, med kryss og rød tråd :) Hehe..

  4. Oo, det var fine knapper! Jeg stemmer for knappene rett vei, rød tråd med kryss:-)

  5. I'd like all buttons as you've attached the one with the red cross. Why? Not sure. I just like it.

  6. I like buttons sewed on with a cross, the blue thread and the right way, hehe.

  7. Veldig fine knapper! Ogblikte de godt m rod trad og kryss:)

  8. what a lovely sweater! think i like the cross better. :)
    warm hugs!

  9. Haha - you're going to get different opinions. I love the yellow buttons with the red thread. I like them sewn as they appear in your picture - one of each - how 'bout alternating the parallel lines and the crosses lines? And I sort of like those buttons upside down!

  10. Thank you so much for your inputs everyone!!! I will sew the buttons on as soon as I get an opprtunity and let you see what I ended up doing :-)

  11. I'd go for a mix, but with red thread only. Some sewn on with a cross, others with the two lines. Three the "right" way, and one with the other side facing. Lovely sweater!

  12. Gleder meg til å se resultatet, plagget ser nydelig ut. Kanskje for sent nå, men jeg stemmer for rød tråd med kryss og knapper rett vei:)

  13. What a lovely sweater that is! Looks perfect with those vintage yellow buttons! Hope you'll be able to find them soon...;)

  14. Takk for kommentar hos meg :) ! Jeg stemmer også for rød tråd, kryss, rett vei. Blir spennende å se hva du ender opp med!


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