Jeg er ferdig med paisley motivet og har begynt på neste motiv som jeg ikke helt vet hva jeg skal kalle. La oss si det heter firkant med firkanter. Vi reiser på ferie til Spania i morgen (endeliiiig!), men jeg lar dette håndarbeidet ligge igjen hjemme siden det er et mønster som krever 100% konsentrasjon. Istedet skal jeg ta med meg baby teppet som jeg skal gi til Raquel. Jeg er nesten ferdig, skal bare sy ferdig lukke-kanten rundt teppet. Jeg skal ta med meg noen små prosjekt i tilfelle jeg blir ferdig med teppet. Ingen vil vel slippe opp for håndarbeid?!
I am finished with the paisley motive and have begun the next one which I'm not sure what to call. Let us call it the square with squares. We are leaving for vacation to Spain tomorrow (finallyyyy!), but I will leave this project at home since it is a pattern that requires 100% concentration. Instead I will take with me the baby quilt I am making for Raquel. I am almost finished, the only thing left is the...oh I don't know how to say it in English...the fabric that makes the boarder of the quilt. I'm also going to bring along some other small projects in case I finish the quilt to soon. No one wants to run out of projects now do they?!
Smukt, smukt - god ferie! knus Mette
ReplyDeleteOh, it's beautiful. Enjoy Spain.
ReplyDeleteYes, very beautiful! I love the paisley with the bird in it, gorgeous. Enjoy your holiday!
ReplyDeleteDet ser meget smukt ud. God ferie til Spanien, det lyder vel nok dejligt.
ReplyDeleteYour embroidery is beautiful!! I love the blackwork. I hope that you enjoy Spain! I will be trying to have some inspiration this week for my crafted gifts as part of the Pay if Forward exchange!!
ReplyDeleteVery pretty embroidery.