Etter et par dager I Girona fortsatte vi turen til Barcelona hvor kjæresten min kommer fra. Hans inntil nylig yngste nevø (vi kaller ham bare petit – som betyr liten på katalansk) har nå blitt storebror, og moren hans må bruke mesteparten av tiden sin på lillebroren. Og la meg si det slik at det å gå glipp av sol og strandliv på grunn av at lillebroren din er for liten til å dra ikke er lett å svelge for en seksåring, så da vi fortalte ham at vi ville ta ham med på stranda for en hel dag ble han helt ekstatisk, nervøs og utenfor seg selv. Han plapret i vei hele dagen, vi måtte dra ham ut av vannet, og forsøkte å forklare at det å bli blå på leppa var et signal på at det var på tide å komme opp på land og tørke. Den eneste måten vi klarte å få ham til å ligge litt i ro under parasollen var ved å lure ham til å snakke om fotball – hans nye pasjon.
After a couple of days in Girona we continued to Barcelona where my boyfriend is originally from. His until recently youngest nephew (we just call him petit – meaning small in Catalan) has just become big bother, with his mother having to dedicate most of her time to the baby. And let me tell you that missing out on beach life because your baby brother is too small to go is not taken easily by a six year old, so when we told him we wanted to take him to the beach for a whole day he became ecstatic, nervous, and absolutely beside himself of happiness. He didn’t stop talking the whole day, we had to drag him out of the water, trying to explain that blue lips is the code for spending some time on land. And the only way to make him stay under the shade of the parasol for a while was luring him into talking about football - his new passion.
After a couple of days in Girona we continued to Barcelona where my boyfriend is originally from. His until recently youngest nephew (we just call him petit – meaning small in Catalan) has just become big bother, with his mother having to dedicate most of her time to the baby. And let me tell you that missing out on beach life because your baby brother is too small to go is not taken easily by a six year old, so when we told him we wanted to take him to the beach for a whole day he became ecstatic, nervous, and absolutely beside himself of happiness. He didn’t stop talking the whole day, we had to drag him out of the water, trying to explain that blue lips is the code for spending some time on land. And the only way to make him stay under the shade of the parasol for a while was luring him into talking about football - his new passion.
It sounds like you had a great time at the beach! Que diversion!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet little guy :) His reaction to going to the beach with you was touching...