Siden det virket som dere likte apekattstoffet tenkte jeg at jeg like så godt kunne vise dere de andre Aranzi Aronzo stoffene jeg har. Disse stoffene var de første jeg kjøpte via nettet da jeg først begynte dette tekstil eventyret. Jeg husker ikke hvor jeg oppdaget Aranzi Aronzo, men antakeligvis var det på flickr et sted. De av dere som har fulgt med bildene mine på flickr kjenner kanskje igjen et av stoffene fra nåleboken (Tilda) jeg laget i mars. Helt siden den gang har jeg klødd i fingrene etter å få bruke et av de tre andre stoffene og så gjorde jeg det endelig med Obi skjerfet. Nå er det bare to stoffer igjen å bruke en gang i fremtiden.
Since you seemed to like the monkey fabric I might as well also show you the other Aranzi Aranzo fabric I have. This was actually the first fabric I bought online when I began this crafting adventure with textiles. I cannot remember how I discovered the fabric, probably somewhere in flickr. For those of you who have been keeping an eye on my flickr photos you will recognise one of the fabrics from the needle book I made back in March. Since then I have been itching to use one of the reminding three fabrics for a project, and I finally did with the Obi Scarf. Now there are two fabrics left that need to be used sometime in the future.
Ya que parece que os gustó la tela de los monos he decidido también enseñaros las otras telas que tengo de Aranzi Aronzo. Estas fueron las primeras telas que compré por Internet cuando empecé esta gran aventura con las telas. No me acuerdo donde descubrí a Aranzi Aronzo, pero me imagino que por algún sitio en flickr. Aquellos quienes habéis visto mis fotos en flickr puede que reconozcáis una de las telas de mi libreta de abujas que hice en Marzo. Desde entonces me he muerto de ganas por usar uno de las otras telas y acabe haciéndolo con la bufanda “Obi” que acabo de terminar. Ahora solo quedan dos telas más para usar alguna vez, en el futuro.
Since you seemed to like the monkey fabric I might as well also show you the other Aranzi Aranzo fabric I have. This was actually the first fabric I bought online when I began this crafting adventure with textiles. I cannot remember how I discovered the fabric, probably somewhere in flickr. For those of you who have been keeping an eye on my flickr photos you will recognise one of the fabrics from the needle book I made back in March. Since then I have been itching to use one of the reminding three fabrics for a project, and I finally did with the Obi Scarf. Now there are two fabrics left that need to be used sometime in the future.
Ya que parece que os gustó la tela de los monos he decidido también enseñaros las otras telas que tengo de Aranzi Aronzo. Estas fueron las primeras telas que compré por Internet cuando empecé esta gran aventura con las telas. No me acuerdo donde descubrí a Aranzi Aronzo, pero me imagino que por algún sitio en flickr. Aquellos quienes habéis visto mis fotos en flickr puede que reconozcáis una de las telas de mi libreta de abujas que hice en Marzo. Desde entonces me he muerto de ganas por usar uno de las otras telas y acabe haciéndolo con la bufanda “Obi” que acabo de terminar. Ahora solo quedan dos telas más para usar alguna vez, en el futuro.
¡Preciosas telas!
ReplyDelete(y precioso blog...)
Lindísimas telas! Inspira a hacer cosas bonitas con ellas eh?
me encantan esas telas! y que bueno {y tambien que esfuerzo} que escribas el blog en los tres idiomas!
I absolutely LOVE Jan Garbarek! I'm so thrilled someone else knows about him too...because when I mention him to my friends and I put some of his music on they think I'm really weird! hahaha...they just don't know good quality music when they hear it. The very first album I bought I don't remember how many years ago...and is still my #1 favorite is "I took up the runes"! I now have a very extensive collection of his work and use it all the time to be inspired when I paint. You are so lucky to have been able to hear him at the Cathedral of Trondheim...I can imagine how special it was.
ReplyDeleteYou speak spanish too! wow
Bih hug from Mexico,
Stilige stoffer! Når eg ser sånne bilder kunne eg virkelig ønske at eg var venn med symaskina mi.. :)
ReplyDeleteKanskje det hjelper om eg tar den fram og børster litt støv av den? Mulig den blir litt meir vennlig innstilt då *ler*
Liker bloggen din veldig godt! Ha ein fin dag!
Mmmm... Kjempefine stoff!
The fabric is adorable.
ReplyDeletevery lovely fabrics, indeed!
ReplyDeletethe monkeys from your previous post are adorable, but i think i love the panda bears even more!
ya me vale, por curiosear me muero por una tela de esas tan bonitas, ya me vale, a ahorrar se ha dicho, lindas!
ReplyDeleteAhhh It is funny! It is through you and your needle book I discovered Aranzi Aronzo. I order tons of fabric and I want about everything that is on their site!
ReplyDeleteI like what you did with the monkeys and the scarf!
That IS funny! It makes me so happy that people can discover new things through my photos and blog just like I have discovered new things on other poeples blog. Sharing inspiration is what matters and what this is all about.