Hvert år på denne tiden av året får jeg lyst til krype inn i en varm ullgenser, tenne stearinlysene I vinduet, drikke rykende fersk te fra en stor kopp og høre på en av favoritt cd’ene mine. Det litt rare er at jeg hver høst ser ut til å velge de samme cd’ene fra hylla; noe litt jazzete, groovy eller litt alternativt slik som ”That Great October Sound” av Thomas Dybdahl. Jeg anbefaler den for en langsom kveld innendørs med ditt favoritt håndarbeid.
Every year about this time I get an urge to put on a cosy woollen sweater, light the candles in the window, zip steaming hot tea from a huge cup and listen to one of my favourite cd’s. The funny thing is that the cd’s I pick from the shelf during autumn usually are the same; something jazzy, groovy or somewhat alternative like “That Great October Sound” by Thomas Dybdahl. I recommend it for a slow evening indoors with your favourite craft.
Cada año sobre estas fechas me entra la necesidad de ponerme un jersey de lana acojedor, encender las velas en la ventana, y escuchar uno de mis cd’s favoritos mientras tomo una taza de té recien hecha. Lo peculiar es que, cuando llega el otoño, acabo siempre sacando los mismos cd’s de la estanteria; algo tipo jazz, “groovy”, o algo alternativo como ”That Great October Sound” de Thomas Dybdahl. Lo recomiendo para esas tardes lentas, dentro de casa, con tu labor favorita.
It's true - it's getting to the time of the year when you just want to curl up. The clocks change here in Scotland on Sunday so it will be dark by 515pm!! Even more reason to curl up at home!!
ReplyDeleteBare jeg lige kunne kigge forbi til en lun muffin, varm te og din dejlige efterårshygge, som jeg kan mærke!! knus Mette
ReplyDeleteDiana, I know how that is. Here in Oslo the sun comes up at 07:27 and goes down at 16:33! And as you know it will only get "worse" from here on until around the 22nd of December... :-)
ReplyDeleteMette, det hadde vært kjempekoslig! Klemmer fra regnværsnorge
Oh, that looks so nice! I love your cup. Curious to listen to that music, will have to find it. I'm going to make myself another cup of tea now :)
ReplyDeleteSigh. What a lovely picture. I'm off to make a cup of tea.
ReplyDeleteps. the wavey project is very pretty.
Thanks Rani! Right now it's raining outside...I think I'll make myself another steamy cup of tea :-)
ReplyDeleteMe gusta mucho esta foto del té con magdalena, me recuerda lo bueno de estar en casa agustito..;)