It has been some very crazy weeks at work, but finally I’ve found the time to sit down and write. Two weeks ago I received no less than three blog awards. I feel honoured that you like reading my blog and have thought about me. Two of the awards are named “You Make My Day award” and that is exactly what Caroline, Prunila and Tora have done by giving these awards to me. They are sunshine in an otherwise rainy day. Thank you!
He tenido unas semanas locas en el trabajo pero por fín encuentro tiempo para sentarme a escribir. Hace dos semanas recibi nada menos que tre premios de blog. Me siento honorada de que os gusta leer mi blog y que habei pensado en mi. Dos de los premios que me han dado se titula “You Make My Day award” y es precisamente lo que Caroline, Prunila y Tora me han hecho al darme estos precios. Es un rayo del sol en un dia lluvioso. Gracias!
I would like to pass the award onward to all you readers and everyone that take the time to leave wonderful, nice and funny comments. I would also like to give the award to everyone in my blogroll. Reading your blogs make my day.
:) I'm glad that work calmed down a bit for you - take care, sweet friend! x