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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Moments of laundry

Last week Emily wrote how lucky she is for knowing how to blur out her untidy house by using her macro when taking photos. She made me laugh because I have done that so many times I can’t count them. Today I thought I’d use my macro to do the opposite.

I have no idea how, but every week there are new piles, no, new mountains of clean clothes that waits to be folded. Astrid’s tiny clothes, our worn out clothes (I can’t remember the last time I went shopping for clothes) and our bed linen.

See you later; because’ I’m on my way to climb another of these mountains.


  1. ...and with 4 kids mine looks like Mount Everest.gulp.

  2. Anne jeg fant ingen e-mail til deg.
    Jeg skrev deg opp pa "community" pa C&C photography bloggen, sa du kan ta workshoppen med oss. Les ogsa innlegget for "egget" for der star det mye om hva vi gor og spor etter.

  3. i made my way over from bloom, and i am so glad i did. i have climbed a few of these mountains today ; )
    so nice to "meet" you. it's beautiful here.

  4. My piles are always haunting me. I like your perspective, use them as still life images for photographs -- brilliant!

  5. Somehow, the more you climb those mountains of laundry, the more mountains to climb keep on reappearing. I wonder where the secret STOP button is??? ayi!

    Beautiful macro is all I can say. Takes the dirty out of the laundry.


  6. It takes talent to make piles of laudry look appealing.

  7. pff you make me feel better (that I'm not the only one !) LOL
    but then last week I would have prefer not to have this excuse : our laundry room had a fire (when we where not home = the wires, freaky !)

  8. Having five children myself, it is like tackling mount everest every day. I have the trick to do all the laundry in the morning when my children are waiting for the school bus to be picked up at 7 am. Then for the rest of the day, it seems I don't actually have to do it (( of course this does not work all the time))


Thank you for letting me know you were here!