Hei igjen! Håper alle sammen har hatt det fint de siste dagene! Jeg har brukt helgen til å begynne Blue & Bear prosjektet som skal bli en nålebok til Laurraine. Vi har snakket om å gjøre en liten swap i evigheter og nå skal jeg til pers med det hun skal få av meg.
Designet på denne nåleboken er litt annerledes en Tilda-nåleboken jeg laget i fjor. Som første ledd i prosessen har jeg derfor klippet ut mønsteret i plast. Det gjør det enklere dersom jeg vil sy flere nålebøker senere. Neste steg i prosessen er å klippe ut stoffbiter. Det gruer jeg meg til. Ikke fordi det er kjedelig (slik som mange andre synes), men fordi det sniker seg en redsel i meg for at jeg klippe feil og ødelegge stoffet. En hobbydame med angst for å klippe i stoff er en dårlig kombinasjon. :-)
Hi again! I hope everyone has had a nice couple of days. I have used the weekend to begin the Blue & Bear project which is going to be a needle book for Laurraine. We have been talking about doing a little swap for ages and finally I will begin to make her swap gift.
The design of this needle book is a bit different from the Tilda needle book I made last year. The first step in the process is therefore to cut a stencil in plastic. This makes it easier in case I want to make more needle books in the future. The next step in the process is to cut the fabric. This part I never look forward to. Not because it is boring (like many other crafters think), but because I always get a sneaky fear that I’m going to cut wrong and destroy the fabric. A crafter with anxiety of cutting fabrics is a bad combination. :-)
Hola de Nuevo! Espero que lo hayáis pasado bien estos últimos días. Este fin de semana he aprovechado para empezar el proyecto “Blue & Bear”. Va a ser una libreta de agujas para Laurraine. Durante mucho tiempo hemos estado hablando de hacer un pequeño swap y por fin hoy voy a empezar a hacer su regalo swap.
El diseño de esta libreta de agujas será un poco diferente a la libreta de Tilda que hice el año pasado. Por eso el primer paso en el proceso es hacer una plantilla en plástico. Eso lo hará más fácil por si decido hacer más libretas de agujas en el futuro. El siguiente paso será cortar la tela que voy a usar. Para mi eso siempre es lo peor. No porque me aburra (como a muchos otros), sino porque siempre me entra el miedo de que vaya a cortar mal y estropear la tela.
Hacer de costurera y tener miedo a cortar telas es una mala combinación. :-)
Friday, February 29, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Blått & Bjørner - Blues & Bears
Jeg er i gang med et nytt sy-prosjekt. Kan nesten ikke vente med å begynne å tegne, måle og klippe i stoffene.
I’m beginning with a new sew-project. I can hardly wait to draw, measure and cut the fabrics.
He comenzado un nuevo proyecto de costura. Estoy deseando empezar a dibujar, medir y cortar las diferentes telas.
I’m beginning with a new sew-project. I can hardly wait to draw, measure and cut the fabrics.
He comenzado un nuevo proyecto de costura. Estoy deseando empezar a dibujar, medir y cortar las diferentes telas.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Vårtegn - Signs of Spring
Forrige tirsdag fikk jeg besøk av Camilla, en venninne fra studietiden. Hun har ikke vært på besøk her siden like etter at vi flyttet inn i leiligheten. Den gang stod den tom bortsett fra en seng (to feltsenger + en overmadrass) og fire klappstoler fra IKEA. Slik bodde vi faktisk i to måneder. Så for noen uker siden ringte Camilla og inviterte seg selv (perfekt siden jeg er elendig til å ringe vennene mine) til å komme på besøk for å se leiligheten med møbler. Som innflytningsgave hadde hun med seg disse fantastisk fine kirsebær grenene. Hele resten av uken har jeg fulgt med hvordan knoppene har forandret og i dag sprang de endelig ut i blomst.
Last Tuesday Camilla, a friend from my student years, visited med. She hasn’t been here since right after we moved in to the apartment. Back then it was empty except for a bed (actually two camp-beds + a mattress pad) and four folding chairs from IKEA. We actually lived like that for two months. A couple of weeks ago Camilla phoned me and invited herself (completely perfect since I’m lousy at calling my friends) for a visit to see the apartment with furniture. As a house warming gift Camilla brought these fantastic branches of white cherries. I have been keeping track of them during this past week, studying how the sprigs have changed until today when they finally came into bloom.
El martes pasado Camilla, una amiga de mi época de estudiante, vino a visitarme. La última vez que estuvo de visita acabavamos de mudarnos. Entonces el piso estaba vacío, salvo una cama (dos plegatines + un colchoncillo) y cuatro sillas plegables de IKEA. Así estuvimos viviendo dos meses. Hace un par de semanas Camilla me llamó para autoinvitarse (perfecto ya que yo soy fatal para llamar a mis amigos), para ver de nuevo el piso, esta vez con muebles. Como regalo de inauguración del piso me trajo este precioso ramo de cerezas blancas. Lo he estado observando durante toda la semana, viendo como ha ido brotando hasta que hoy por fin ha florecido.
Last Tuesday Camilla, a friend from my student years, visited med. She hasn’t been here since right after we moved in to the apartment. Back then it was empty except for a bed (actually two camp-beds + a mattress pad) and four folding chairs from IKEA. We actually lived like that for two months. A couple of weeks ago Camilla phoned me and invited herself (completely perfect since I’m lousy at calling my friends) for a visit to see the apartment with furniture. As a house warming gift Camilla brought these fantastic branches of white cherries. I have been keeping track of them during this past week, studying how the sprigs have changed until today when they finally came into bloom.
El martes pasado Camilla, una amiga de mi época de estudiante, vino a visitarme. La última vez que estuvo de visita acabavamos de mudarnos. Entonces el piso estaba vacío, salvo una cama (dos plegatines + un colchoncillo) y cuatro sillas plegables de IKEA. Así estuvimos viviendo dos meses. Hace un par de semanas Camilla me llamó para autoinvitarse (perfecto ya que yo soy fatal para llamar a mis amigos), para ver de nuevo el piso, esta vez con muebles. Como regalo de inauguración del piso me trajo este precioso ramo de cerezas blancas. Lo he estado observando durante toda la semana, viendo como ha ido brotando hasta que hoy por fin ha florecido.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Grønt er hot! - Green is hot!
Forrige torsdag stakk jeg innom en av de mange indiske og pakistanske spisestedene på Grønland for å spise Chicken Tikka Masala. Den deilige maten jeg fikk ble servert med salat og en liten dæsj grønn chutney. Chutneyen var så sterk og god at jeg ikke kunne motstå meg å spørre kelneren om å få litt til for å spise sammen med det jeg hadde igjen av kyllingen. Etter en liten stund kom han tilbake med et beger full av den herlige chutneyen, og forklarte at den var hjemmelaget og bestod av grønne chillier, løk, mint og tamarind. Vel hjemme med begeret vel oppbevart i kjøleskapet vårt var det derfor ikke noen overraskelse for kjæresten min at dette ville bli den store Chicken Tikka Masala helgen.
Jeg har søkt på nett etter oppskrifter på grønn chilli chutney som har de samme ingrediensene som den utrolig hyggelige kelneren delte med meg, men uten å lykkes. Så derfor måtte jeg lage på magefølelsen og den ble )om jeg kan si det selv) rimelig god. Jeg er fornøy.
I min jakt på oppskrifter oppdaget jeg videojug (en slags youtube) hvor du kan se hvordan ulike matoppskrifter lages. For en fantastisk ide!
On my way home from work last Thursday I had some Chicken Tikka Masala at one of the many cheap and good Indian and Pakistani places in Grønland (a part of town in Oslo). It was served with a salad and a tiny spot of green chutney. The chutney tasted so hot and good, that I couldn’t resist asking the waiter for a bit more to company what was left of the chicken. After a while he came back with a lidded container full to its brims with the delicious chutney, and explained that it was homemade with green chillies, onion, mint and tamarind. With the container stored safely at home in our fridge it was no surprise to my boyfriend that this would be the grand Chicken Tikka Masala Weekend.
I have been searching the net for recipes on green chilli chutneys that have the ingredients the waiter so kindly revealed, but no luck. Sy foloowing my gut feeling. And it turned out (if I might says so) pretty good. I'm satisfied.
On my recipe search, stumble upon videojug (a kind of youtube) where you can see how different recipes are made. What an awesome idea!
Jeg har søkt på nett etter oppskrifter på grønn chilli chutney som har de samme ingrediensene som den utrolig hyggelige kelneren delte med meg, men uten å lykkes. Så derfor måtte jeg lage på magefølelsen og den ble )om jeg kan si det selv) rimelig god. Jeg er fornøy.
I min jakt på oppskrifter oppdaget jeg videojug (en slags youtube) hvor du kan se hvordan ulike matoppskrifter lages. For en fantastisk ide!
On my way home from work last Thursday I had some Chicken Tikka Masala at one of the many cheap and good Indian and Pakistani places in Grønland (a part of town in Oslo). It was served with a salad and a tiny spot of green chutney. The chutney tasted so hot and good, that I couldn’t resist asking the waiter for a bit more to company what was left of the chicken. After a while he came back with a lidded container full to its brims with the delicious chutney, and explained that it was homemade with green chillies, onion, mint and tamarind. With the container stored safely at home in our fridge it was no surprise to my boyfriend that this would be the grand Chicken Tikka Masala Weekend.
I have been searching the net for recipes on green chilli chutneys that have the ingredients the waiter so kindly revealed, but no luck. Sy foloowing my gut feeling. And it turned out (if I might says so) pretty good. I'm satisfied.
On my recipe search, stumble upon videojug (a kind of youtube) where you can see how different recipes are made. What an awesome idea!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Babyteppe nummer 2 - Baby quilt number 2
Jeg er endelig ferdig med mitt andre quiltede babyteppe. Jeg glemte å ta bilder av det ferdige teppet før jeg ga det bort så dere må klare dere med disse ”underveis” bildene. Det virker som om alle rundt meg skal ha barn så jeg har allerede begynt å planlegge teppe nummer tre.
I finally finished my second baby quilt! I actually forgot to take a photo of it before I gave it away so you’ll have to manage with these “in progress” photos. It seems everyone around me is having a baby so I have already begun planning a third quilt.
Por fin he terminado mi segunda manta de bebé. Olvidé sacar fotos de la manta terminada antes de regalarla, así que teneis que conformaros con estas fotos tomadas durante el proceso. Parece que todo el mundo a mi alrededor va tener un bebé, así que ya he empezado a planear una tercera manta.
I finally finished my second baby quilt! I actually forgot to take a photo of it before I gave it away so you’ll have to manage with these “in progress” photos. It seems everyone around me is having a baby so I have already begun planning a third quilt.
Por fin he terminado mi segunda manta de bebé. Olvidé sacar fotos de la manta terminada antes de regalarla, así que teneis que conformaros con estas fotos tomadas durante el proceso. Parece que todo el mundo a mi alrededor va tener un bebé, así que ya he empezado a planear una tercera manta.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Tea for two and two for Sans & Sans
Etter å ha lest bloggen til Green Olive Tree var jeg nødt innom Sans & Sans og kjøpe te da jeg var i Barcelona. Jeg kjøpte litt av Rooibos teen hun anbefaler og kan ikke gjøre annet en å anbefale den på det varmeste. Den smaker godt og lukter helt herlig!
After reading Green Olive Tree's blog I just had to pass by Sans & Sans to buy tea when I was in Barcelona. I bought some of the Rooibos tea she recommends and I cannot do anything but recommend it strongly. It tastes good and smells fantastic!
Despues de haber leido el blog de Green Olive Tree me vi obligada a pasar por Sans & Sans y comprar un poco del thé de Rooibos que recomienda cuando estuve en Barcelona. No puedo hacer mas que recomendarlo yo también. Sabe riquísimo y huele fántastico!
Sans & Sans Fine Tea Merchants
C/Argenteria 59
Tel:93 319 6081
After reading Green Olive Tree's blog I just had to pass by Sans & Sans to buy tea when I was in Barcelona. I bought some of the Rooibos tea she recommends and I cannot do anything but recommend it strongly. It tastes good and smells fantastic!
Despues de haber leido el blog de Green Olive Tree me vi obligada a pasar por Sans & Sans y comprar un poco del thé de Rooibos que recomienda cuando estuve en Barcelona. No puedo hacer mas que recomendarlo yo también. Sabe riquísimo y huele fántastico!
Sans & Sans Fine Tea Merchants
C/Argenteria 59
Tel:93 319 6081
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Eat your heart out
Today I’ll share a gastronomic discovery that we’ve done when in Barcelona. It is no secret that I love everything about food; shopping groceries, reading cook books and recipes, cooking and of course eating delicious meals. Back in august when spending our summer vacation in Barcelona we passed by the restaurant 99.9 % origen(s) but it was full. We decided to make a new try on our next visit and this Christmas we did and succeeded at getting a table.
What makes this restaurant special is that it changes its menu with the seasons, and the kitchen mainly uses ingredients that are typical to each season. Their menu is like a magazine where you can read about the different ingredients and how and when they first were introduced in the Spanish and Catalan kitchen. History and gastronomy in one sitting; can it be better?
I’ll share what I ordered to let you get an idea about the place and why I'm in love with it. For starters I chose toasted bread slice with “almadroc”. The menu says that “The almadroc sauce comes from a medieval recipe and is done from grated cheese, garlic and boiled eggs (see photo). All the ingredients are chopped and mixed with olive oil. This recipe is found in the Sent Sovi book (s. XIV)”.
I ordered rabbit with sweet potato as a main dish. The menu says:” The ancient Romans raised rabbits and hares in the open. Rabbit meat is one of the healthiest due to its low fat content. In this recipe it is cooked with another autumn fruit, a tuber, the sweet potato is a protagonist of the All Saints Festival along with the chestnuts and the “panellets”.
And last but not least I had to have some dessert: Creamy Turron of Jijona (almond paste with whipped cream), with pieces of chocolate cake soaked with rum and crunchy chocolate biscuits.
Eat your heart out!
Passeig del Born 4
Tel. 93 310 75 31
What makes this restaurant special is that it changes its menu with the seasons, and the kitchen mainly uses ingredients that are typical to each season. Their menu is like a magazine where you can read about the different ingredients and how and when they first were introduced in the Spanish and Catalan kitchen. History and gastronomy in one sitting; can it be better?
I’ll share what I ordered to let you get an idea about the place and why I'm in love with it. For starters I chose toasted bread slice with “almadroc”. The menu says that “The almadroc sauce comes from a medieval recipe and is done from grated cheese, garlic and boiled eggs (see photo). All the ingredients are chopped and mixed with olive oil. This recipe is found in the Sent Sovi book (s. XIV)”.
I ordered rabbit with sweet potato as a main dish. The menu says:” The ancient Romans raised rabbits and hares in the open. Rabbit meat is one of the healthiest due to its low fat content. In this recipe it is cooked with another autumn fruit, a tuber, the sweet potato is a protagonist of the All Saints Festival along with the chestnuts and the “panellets”.
And last but not least I had to have some dessert: Creamy Turron of Jijona (almond paste with whipped cream), with pieces of chocolate cake soaked with rum and crunchy chocolate biscuits.
Eat your heart out!
Passeig del Born 4
Tel. 93 310 75 31
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