August was largely about Denmark.
Our dear friends Dorte & Jakob welcomed us with an authentic Danish lunch in their beautiful garden. (We actually didn’t see Astrid for the three days we were there as she spent her hole stay in their garden. She had a blast with their daughter’s toys, and would only come inside when hungry and exhausted with play).
We went for walks along the shore and saw beautiful houses like this one
We barbecued "skumfidus" (my favourite Danish word meaning marshmallow)
We witnessed how one little girl helped another little girl (and my heart melted)
We exchanged cooking recipes

We admired this painting made by our fellow friend and Cast B mate Kicki Julie Jørck

And we shared good talks in their beautiful garden and house.

After our three days with Dorte, Jakob and their kids we all left together for Copenhagen. Were we were headed for a reunion with lots of friends that Dorte and I travelled together with almost 15 years ago. Back then we were 126 kids between 17 and 26 years old from around the world.
We travelled together for eleven months and visited 26 states in the USA, 26 cities in Mexico, Montreal and Toronto in Canada, and several cities in Sweden and Finland. I stayed with 97 host families! I did community service in half of the cities we visited (and was on stage crew - set up the stage - in the other half of the cities).

This year 50 of us met in Copenhagen. Counting our spouses and kids we summed a 100 and something people. I had been looking forward to this since 2008 when we had our last reunion. Every 5 years we have an official reunion were almost every one of us get together. In between each five years we try to make a smaller reunion. This was the small one.

It is amazing how after all these years we still make an effort to see each other. Our friendships have matured and grown stronger in pace with us growing up and becoming more mature. In spite the fact that there are so many different people in our group I truly love them all and feel blessed to have them in my life. Even if we are spread all over the world I know they will be there for me if and when I need them. They always step up no matter what the challenge is. No matter who is in need of encouragement or prayer.

Inbetween all the planned activities we managed to sneak in a visit to Granola Café were we shared coffee and conversation with our friends Karina & Jeff. I also bought some more Kusmi tea here.
We visited the Tivoli

And after the kids were gone to bed and the designated baby sitters arrived on time we all went for a well deserved pub crawl. Cheers!