I finally found the yellow buttons! They were in a small paper bag in the back of the cabinet in the living room. I actually emptied the whole thing before I found them. The morale is; never tidy things you will need in a near future.

I have been saying that I began this sweater last September (in several comments and here), but that is not correct. I actually began it the same day Andreas was born.

I had an appointment for an induced labour at the hospital, and this was my “easy knit while I wait for the action to get started” project. The funny thing is that I sat and waited in the wrong waiting room. It took an hour before someone asked me if I had an appointment (yes I am quite patient while knitting) and we found out I needed to go further down the hallway.

Just when I got up from my seat, the water broke and my appointment could be cancelled. I managed to knit twelve rounds though, and began knitting on the sweater again in late September. Just a silly story, I know, but I wanted to share.

I took about 20 pics of Andreas with his new sweater, which by the way fits like a hand in a glove, and barely managed to narrow it down to these six photos. Bear with me for having a weak incredibly proud mama moment. See the knitting details in Ravelry