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Monday, November 18, 2013

Hat marathon intermission

I wanted to show you the two hats I knitted since last time; but guess what? I forgot to take photos while we had day light this weekend.

The days are so short now that when I am home from work there is not enough light. Wintertime forces me to plan my posts and photo taking rigorously (good-bye spontaneity).

Now I will have to wait until Saturday to take photos and show you the first two knitted hats from the hat marathon.

Instead of hats, today I’ll share photos from our apple-pealing, cutting and baking day a few weeks ago.

Look at how concentrated she is while peeling and cutting those apples.

We picked the last apples from our trees and made apple jam together with mini-pies.

after an hour of peeling and cutting

we could finally begin making the pies

We shared them with our neighbours who loved both the evening surprise and the smell of cinnamon and fresh from the oven apple pies (yes, we are those kind of neighbours...although to my defence, it is merely an altruistic return for all the times we have received either sour dough bread, Indian oven baked aubergines or apple crumble pie… Did I mention I LOVE my neighbourhood?).

The pies disappeared in a “swoosh”. The jam on the other hand, will be enjoy throughout the winter. Either as jam or as apple compote with Vanilla sauce, which is our favourite made-in-no-time dessert.


  1. What fun! And what lucky neighbors you have.

  2. Nam - det så godt ut!!
    Ja, det er helt håpløst med fotografering på denne tiden av året - særlig når det regner og er mørkt hele dagen... Heldigvis har vi hatt noen solskinnshelger i det siste :-)

    1. Det er heldigvis meldt fint vært til helgen :-)

  3. Ikke lett med fotografering nå om dagen, men det var flotte bilder av epler!
    Den paien så veldig god ut, skulle ønske jeg var en i nabolaget ditt jeg!

    1. Du får bare komme innom så skal vi servere deg litt pai vettu' ;-)

  4. Fantastiske bilder, Anne Marie. Ingenting her som skulle tyde på at det er vanskelig å fotografere på denne tiden av året. Nydelig, bløtt lys.

    1. Tusen takk John Arne! Fine ord som betyr ekstra mye når de kommer fra en god fotograf som deg!

  5. sikke heldige naboer du har ... de der taerter ser meget laekre ud :)

  6. Det er det samme hos meg...Venter på litt sol så jeg kan få tatt noen bilder;) Herlige med eplepai, er nesten som jeg kjenner lukten helt hit :)

  7. Oooh, YUM! Those pies in progress look delicious. And I feel your pain with the winter light. It's dark by the time I get home from work each evening -- doesn't make for very exciting pictures. Can't wait to see the hats!

  8. Eso mismo me pasa a mi, se acabó la temporada de luz y cuando llego del trabajo es imposible hacer fotos decentes!!
    Tus fotos de las manzanas me han enamorado!! Mmmmm!


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