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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Here I Knit...

…and many other places as well of course. Knitting is what makes time fly while traveling. It is what keeps my blood pressure at healthy levels while I am waiting in lines at airports or when there is a delay. I am not a knit walker yet but definitely a knit stander. I can stand and knit just about anywhere. I knit on the metro (T-banen) on my way to work and I knit on the playground while the children are absorbed by their own play and of course in the car when mr. Yonder drives (but then I sit).

This however is my favourite knitting nook at home.

My knitting sofa spot has good light for those dark Norwegian afternoons during fall and winter. I have a table to rest my feet on and to put my -must have certain things close by - like the iphone, mini-ipad (in case I need to take a quick look in Ravelry), knitting tools and the essential cup of tea.

One of the things I miss from before having children is reading books (actual paper books). To mend the gap between what I love to do and the time I have available, I listen to audiobooks while knitting. Right now, I am listening to the Cukoo’s calling by Robert Calbrath.

At my left (while sitting in the sofa), I have a black bag with all the current knitting projects and yarns, and like any other respectable knitter I have several other yarn stashes placed strategically around the house. Some yarn stash is in our living room upstairs and the rest of the yarn is in baskets in our living room downstairs. In case you wonder, we have an ongoing forever-lasting argument in this house hold on how much space I am supposed to have dedicated to yarn.

If you would like to see more knitting nooks or would like to share your own, visit Monstermønster. She initiated a “I knit here” roundabout, after reading about Sigrid’s knitting place.


  1. Koselig og inspirerende strikkekrok du har:)

  2. Se der ja! Så hyggelig det ser ut! Jeg la deg til på lista, veldig moro at den vokser så stor!

  3. Knitting while listening to audio books is such a great idea.

    1. I use the "audible" app to listen to boks, which is perfect for me, all in the same gadget (iohone). By the way, I still love wearing the grey scarf you knitted!

    2. I haven't listened to Audible in a while. Perhaps I'll revisit. Another fun listening activity is Selected Shorts. So happy to know you are still wearing the scarf.

  4. Så herlig strikkeplass :-) her flirer han heldigvis bare av garnlageret så lenge det holder seg på kontoret mitt ;)

  5. Takk for titten! Kjekt å se så mange koselige strikkestedet!

  6. I just flew back and forth to Portugal this week. Sadly I was told that I might be allowed to bring my knitting, or not, when I asked at the imformation desk. So ended up not daring to bring my knitting through the secruity check. Damn. Missed my knitting terrible!

    I normally only knit at home (where I am 80% of the time anyways). It has to be something rather simple if I knit somewhere that is not at home.

  7. Me ha encantado mirar por el agujerito. ;)

  8. How fun to see where you knit Anne Marie! I love this idea. My knit spot looks a lot like yours -- at the end of a couch!

  9. Koselig å se strikkekroken din også:)


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