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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Fall Coat in Spring

Ironically enough, I began knitting the fall coat from Pickles during spring. It is in fact the warmest spring in years. We have had amazing (summer) temperatures these last two weeks. 20c in April is not common around here. The nice weather has definitely influenced my knitting time, which has been reduced to a minimum. Not only because of the weather but mostly because of it.

I have spent the last days outdoors, in the garden with my family and with what must be among Oslo’s most helpful, friendly and super neighbourhoods. The children play together in the back yard and when they eventually fall asleep in their beds after a long day, the grownups rest their behinds while sipping wine and sharing good conversations. I love my neighbourhood.

Now the weather is back to normal again and I need to pick up the needles to finish the coat. I am having some struggles with the i-cord bind off. I might ventilate my frustration and ask for help in a day or two (just have to try once more on my own first).

Have a nice 1st of May!


  1. Hello! I cannot believe it is May 1st already. We had lovely weather over Easter but now it is 6 degrees and!

    The knitting is a lovely colour. I have started knitting a jumper twice now and have decided the pattern is just not going to work for me and I need to find another pattern.

  2. Jeg gør det samme. Er næsten færdig med den blødeste og varmeste sweater, mangler bare at væve enderne ind. Men så er jeg da klar til efteråret ;-)

  3. You're so lucky to have a good neighborhood. We're in the type where no one knows each other. Very sad. Good luck with the bind-off -- it looks like it's shaping up to be a beautiful sweater!

  4. I hopped over to Pickles and what a great coat! I had started a little hat about a week ago, but suddenly it feels like summer here and I have not picked up my needles... Enjoy the nice weather!

  5. Liker fargen du har valgt:) Gleder meg til å se den ferdig:)

  6. ¿Y por que no te llevas la manta y las agujas de tejer al jardín? Que bien acompañada se calceta mejor... Supongo que te dará calor ¿no?

    1. Si, y porque no hemos parado. Trabajando en el jardin, jugando con los niños y descansando al sol cuando hemos podido :-)

  7. Gleder meg til å se jakken ferdig! Den i-cord bind off'en har Monstermønster forklart tidligerei et innlegg tror jeg...du får ta en titt om du trenger;) ellers fins det vel nok av videoer på youtube. Likte så godt gensren til sønnen din nedfor her, stilig med den lille lommen! Kjekt å gjøre plaggene sine egne med en liten vri.

    Ha en fin søndagskveld!

  8. Qué bonito el abrigo, me gusta y el color elegido más. Qué bien suena lo de las tardes en el jardín con los vecinos.

  9. Å, så koselig det høres ut i nabolaget ditt! :-) Deilig karamellfarge på jakka, den blir nok fin! "Heldigvis" er det jo litt kaldere igjen nå, med tanke på strikking av store, varme ting mener jeg :-)

  10. Ja, nå er temperaturen tilbake til normalen! Det er iallfall kaldt her i Elverum!
    For et fantastisk nabolag du må ha!:)
    Blir spennende å se jakken ferdig, tipper den kan bli god å ha på kjølige sommerkvelder:)

  11. Ja Lisa og byHuldra, og nå skal det visst begynne å regne også, da skal jeg nok få fart på pinnene igjen :-)

  12. Spring sounds lovely over there. What an idyllic neighbourhood. Your sweater seems to be coming along nicely.

  13. it is so important with good neighbors ... and oh, I love the color on your fall coat :)


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