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Friday, April 11, 2014

Tea & Silence

Finally Friday again! Although I should not complain. I have worked from home today, which means I can enjoy one of my favourite teas while I read, and write and re-write until the documents I am working on are as I think they ought to be.

I am enjoying the silence and the sunlight. The ticking from the wall hanging kitchen clock. The birch outside my kitchen window, which is full of buds ready to burst into green leaves. I am longing for spring.

Happy Friday to you too!


  1. No hay nada como un buen té!!

  2. Dette høres ut som en deilig og avslappende arbeidsdag! Ønsker deg ei riktig god påske:)

  3. Two wonderful things. Happy Friday to you.

  4. Ese té tiene una pinta espectacular!! Y los silencios en esta casa, son muy apreciados también ;)
    Feliz fin de semana!

  5. Y com unas uvas para picar, qué ricas...!

  6. Herlig dag! Ha en avslappende påske ferie!

  7. That just sounds like the most wonderful day - I could use one of those "working from home" days. Thankfully, there's holiday in two days time :)

  8. Happy Belated Friday haha! I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  9. Høres ut som en helt grei arbeidsdag;)
    Ønsker deg en riktig god påske!:)

  10. Dearest sweet Anne, thank YOU so much for visiting me. I am so glad to be back here on your beautiful space again! Your photos are always so gorgeous and enjoyable. I could feel the serene of quite moments from your words and photos. I hope you had an amazing weekend! Lots of love to you!

  11. Every single morning is my silent time, where I write and ponder with the ticking of the clock and instead of tea, coffee. It's my favorite time of the day :)

  12. I love being able to work from home, too. Enjoying that quiet time in the morning after the kids go to school.


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